13 Creating R Functions

Many people write R code as a single, continuous stream of commands, often drawn from the R Console itself and simply pasted into a script. While any script brings benefits over non-scripted solutions, there are advantages to breaking code into small, reusable modules. This is the role of a function in R. In this lesson, we will review the advantages of coding with functions, practice by creating some functions and show how to call them, and then do some exercises to build other simple functions.

13.1 Learning outcomes

  • Learn why we should write code in small functions
  • Write code for one or more functions
  • Document functions to improve understanding and code communication

13.2 Why functions?

In a word:

  • DRY: Don’t Repeat Yourself

By creating small functions that only one logical task and do it well, we quickly gain:

  • Improved understanding
  • Reuse via decomposing tasks into bite-sized chunks
  • Improved error testing

13.3 Temperature conversion

Imagine you have a bunch of data measured in Fahrenheit and you want to convert that for analytical purposes to Celsius. You might have an R script that does this for you.

Note the duplicated code, where the same formula is repeated three times. This code would be both more compact and more reliable if we didn’t repeat ourselves.

13.4 Creating a function

Functions in R are a mechanism to process some input and return a value. Similarly to other variables, functions can be assigned to a variable so that they can be used throughout code by reference. To create a function in R, you use the function function (so meta!) and assign its result to a variable. Let’s create a function that calculates celsius temperature outputs from fahrenheit temperature inputs.

By running this code, we have created a function and stored it in R’s global environment. The fahr argument to the function function indicates that the function we are creating takes a single parameter (the temperature in fahrenheit), and the return statement indicates that the function should return the value in the celsius variable that was calculated inside the function. Let’s use it, and check if we got the same value as before:

## [1] 100
## [1] TRUE

Excellent. So now we have a conversion function we can use. Note that, because most operations in R can take multiple types as inputs, we can also pass the original vector of airtemps, and calculate all of the results at once:

## [1] 100.0000000  -0.9444444  25.5555556   0.0000000

This takes a vector of temperatures in fahrenheit, and returns a vector of temperatures in celsius.

13.5 Exercise

Now, create a function named celsius_to_fahr that does the reverse, it takes temperature data in celsius as input, and returns the data converted to fahrenheit. Then use that formula to convert the celsius vector back into a vector of fahrenheit values, and compare it to the original airtemps vector to ensure that your answers are correct.

Did you encounter any issues with rounding or precision?

13.6 Documenting R functions

Functions need documentation so that we can communicate what they do, and why. The roxygen2 package provides a simple means to document your functions so that you can explain what the function does, the assumptions about the input values, a description of the value that is returned, and the rationale for decisions made about implementation.

Documentation in ROxygen is placed immediately before the function definition, and is indicated by a special comment line that always starts with the characters #'. Here’s a documented version of a function:

Note the use of the @param keyword to define the expectations of input data, and the @return keyword for defining the value that is returned from the function. The @examples function is useful as a reminder as to how to use the function. Finally, the @export keyword indicates that, if this function were added to a package, then the function should be available to other code and packages to utilize.

13.7 Summary

  • Functions are useful to reduce redundancy, reuse code, and reduce errors
  • Build functions with the function function
  • Document functions with roxygen2 comments

13.8 Spoiler – the exercise answered.

Don’t peek until you write your own…