library(gutenbergr) # access public domain texts from Project Gutenberg
library(tidytext) # text mining using tidy tools
library(dplyr) # wrangle data
library(ggplot2) # plot data
Learning Objectives
- Describe principles of tidy text data
- Employ strategies to wrangle unstructured text data into a tidy text format using the
package - Describe non-tidy text formats and how to convert between tidy text and non-tidy text formats
- Become familiar with text analysis (or text mining) methods and when to use them
This lesson has been adapted from the following resources:
- Welcome to Text Mining with R by Julia Silge and David Robinson. Julia and David are also the developers of the
package. - Section 7.3: (R-) Workflow for Text Analysis from Computational Social Science: Theory & Application, Version: 17 June, 2021 by Paul C. Bauer
13.1 What is text data?
Text data is information stored as character or string data types. It comes in various different forms including books, research articles, social media posts, interview transcripts, newspapers, government reports, and much more.
13.1.1 How do we talk about text data?
Here is a list of text data or text analysis terms we’ll be referring to throughout this lesson. Note this is not a comprehensive list of text analysis terms that are used beyond this lesson.
Term | Definition |
Corpus (corpora, plural) | Collection or database of text or multiple texts. These types of objects typically contain raw strings annotated with additional metadata and details. |
Document-feature matrix (DFM) | Represents the relationship between features and documents, where each row is a document and each column corresponds to a set of features. Features are not limited to terms and can include a variety of attributes that describe the documents. Each cell in the matrix contains a value that represents the presence, absence, or some quantitative measure of a specific feature in a particular document. |
Document-term matrix (DTM) | Represents the relationship between terms and documents, where each row stands for a document and each column represents a term, and an entry is the number of occurrences of the term in the document. |
Natural Language Processing (NLP) | NLP is an interdisciplinary field used in computer science, data science, linguistics, and others to analyze, categorize, and work with computerized text. |
Sparse matrix | A matrix where the majority of the entries are zero. Both DFM and DTM are sparse matrices and this is normal. Typically, the bigger the DTM or DFM, the more zeros you’ll see. |
String | Specific type of data whose values are enclosed within a set of quotes. Typically values or elements are characters (e.g. “Hello World!”). |
Text analysis | The process of deriving high-quality information or patterns from text through evaluation and interpretation of the output. Also referred to as “text mining” or “text analytics”. |
Token | A meaningful unit of text, such as a word, to use for analysis. |
Tokenization | The process of splitting text into tokens. |
13.1.2 How is text data used in the environmental field?
As our knowledge about the environmental world grows, researchers will need new computational approaches for working with text data because reading and identifying all the relevant literature for literature syntheses is becoming an increasingly difficult task.
Beyond literature syntheses, quantitative text analysis tools are extremely valuable for efficiently extracting information from texts and other text mining or text analysis tasks.
13.2 What is tidy text data?
Let’s recall the tidy data principles:
- Every column is a variable.
- Every row is an observation.
- Every cell is a single value.
Keeping that in mind, Silge and Robinson define the tidy text format as being a table with one-token-per-row.
This one-token-per-row structure is in contrast to the ways text is often stored in current analyses, perhaps as strings or in a document-term matrix.
For tidy text mining, the token that is stored in each row is most often a single word, but can also be an n-gram, sentence, or paragraph.
By using tidy data principles, we can apply many “tidy” R packages including dpylr
, tidyr
, ggplot2
, and more.
13.2.1 What is the tidytext
R package?
is a package that applies the tidy principles to analyzing text.
The package contains many useful functions to wrangle text data into tidy formats. It has been built considering other text mining R packages so that it’s easy to switch between text mining tools (e.g. tm
, quanteda
, stringr
, wordcloud2
13.3 Exercise: Tidy Text Workflow
We are going to use the gutenbergr
package to access public domain texts from Project Gutenberg (a library of free eBooks). We’ll then use the tidytext
, dyplr
and ggplot2
packages to practice the tidy text workflow.
Create a new
file and title it “Intro to Text Data”, name yourself as the author, and then save the file asintro-text-data.qmd
.Create a new code chunk and attach the following libraries:
- Depending on which group you’re in, use one of the following public domain texts:
# Group A
gutenberg_works(title == "The Phantom of the Opera") # phantom text
# Group B
gutenberg_works(title == "Frankenstein; Or, The Modern Prometheus") # frankenstein text
# Group C
gutenberg_works(title == "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde") # jekyll hyde text
13.3.1 Questions
The answers in the code chunks are using the text of The Great Gatsby.
Get the id number from the gutenberg_works()
function so that you can download the text as a corpus using the function gutenberg_download()
. Save the corpus to an object called {book-title}_corp
. View the object - is the data in a tidy format?
# get id number
gutenberg_works(title == "The Great Gatsby")
# access text data using id number from `gutenberg_works()`
<- gutenberg_download(64317) gatsby_corp
Tokenize the corpus data using unnest_tokens()
. Take a look at the data - do we need every single token for our analysis?
# tidy text data - unnest and remove stop words
<- gatsby_corp %>%
gatsby_tidy unnest_tokens(word, text)
# A tibble: 6 × 2
gutenberg_id word
<int> <chr>
1 64317 the
2 64317 great
3 64317 gatsby
4 64317 by
5 64317 f
6 64317 scott
Remove “stop words” or words that can be safely removed or ignored without sacrificing the meaning of the sentence (e.g. “to”, “in”, “and”) using anti_join()
Take a look at the data - are you satisfied with your data? We won’t conduct any additional cleaning steps here, but consider how you would further clean the data.
# remove stop words
<- gatsby_tidy %>%
gatsby_tidy ::anti_join(stop_words, by = "word")
# A tibble: 6 × 2
gutenberg_id word
<int> <chr>
1 64317 gatsby
2 64317 scott
3 64317 fitzgerald
4 64317 table
5 64317 contents
6 64317 ii
Calculate the top 10 most frequent words using the functions count()
and slice_max()
# calculate top 10 most frequent words
<- gatsby_tidy %>%
gatsby_count count(word) %>%
slice_max(n = 10, order_by = n)
# A tibble: 6 × 2
word n
<chr> <int>
1 gatsby 197
2 tom 177
3 daisy 150
4 don’t 97
5 house 95
6 eyes 89
Plot the top 10 most frequent words using ggplot()
We recommend creating either a bar plot using geom_col()
or a lollipop plot using both geom_point()
and geom_segment()
Bar Plot Code
# bar plot
ggplot(data = gatsby_count, aes(n, reorder(word, n))) +
geom_col() +
labs(x = "Count",
y = "Token")
Base Lollipop Plot Code
# initial lollipop plot
ggplot(data = gatsby_count, aes(x=word, y=n)) +
geom_point() +
geom_segment(aes(x=word, xend=word, y=0, yend=n)) +
coord_flip() +
labs(x = "Token",
y = "Count")
13.3.2 Bonus Question
Consider elements in theme()
and improve your plot.
Custom Lollipop Plot Code
# ascending order pretty lollipop plot
ggplot(data = gatsby_count, aes(x=reorder(word, n), y=n)) +
geom_point(color="cyan4") +
geom_segment(aes(x=word, xend=word, y=0, yend=n), color="cyan4") +
coord_flip() +
labs(title = "Top Ten Words in The Phantom of the Opera",
x = NULL,
y = "Count") +
theme_minimal() +
panel.grid.major.y = element_blank()
13.4 Tidy Text to Non-tidy Text Workflows
with other tools and data formats, particularly the tm
or quanteda
packages. Source: Silge & RobinsonIn the Tidy Text Workflow Exercise, we converted our corpus into a data table that has “one-token-per-row”. However, the tidy text format of one-token-per-row is not a common format for other R packages that work with text data or perform text analysis. Packages like tm
, quanteda
, topicmodels
Many text analysis methods, in particular NLP techniques (e.g. topic models) require text data to be stored in a mathematical format. A common approach is to create a matrix, such as a: sparse matrix, a document term matrix (DTM), or a document-feature matrix (DFM). In a matrix format, algorithms are able to more easily compare one document to many other documents to identify patterns.
Silge and Robinson kept this in mind as they built the tidytext
package, and included helpful cast()
functions to turn a tidy text object (again a table with one-token-per-row) into a matrix.
13.5 Exercise: Explore Unstructured Text Data from a PDF
Frequently the text data we want to analyzed is in PDF format. In the next exercise we walk through how to read in a PDF file into R to be able to programmatically analyze the text.
In the
file, create a new header for this exercise (e.g. “Explore Unstructured Text Data from a PDF”).Create a new code chunk and attach the following libraries:
library(tidytext) # tidy text tools
library(quanteda) # create a corpus
library(pdftools) # read in data
library(dplyr) # wrangle data
library(stringr) # string manipulation
library(ggplot2) # plots
- Depending on which group you’re in, read in one of the following chapters of the Delta Plan. Access and download the chapters of the Delta Plan from Delta Stewardship Council website.
Notes for quick exploration of data:
- Check the
of the pdf you just read in - is it what you expected? How does the object appear in the Global Environment? - Call the object in the Console. What does your data look like? What can you infer from how it’s structured?
# ch 3
<- "data/dsc-plan-ch3.pdf"
path_df <- pdftools::pdf_text(path_df)
# ch 4
<- "data/dsc-plan-ch4.pdf"
path_df <- pdftools::pdf_text(path_df)
# ch 5
<- "data/dsc-plan-ch5.pdf"
path_df <- pdftools::pdf_text(path_df)
# ch 6
<- "data/dsc-plan-ch6.pdf"
path_df <- pdftools::pdf_text(path_df) dp_ch6
We will demonstrate using Chapter 8.
<- "data/text/dsc-plan-ch8.pdf"
path_df <- pdftools::pdf_text(path_df) dp_ch8
- Using the
package, turn the unstructured pdf text data into a corpus.
Notes for quick exploration of data:
- Check the
of the corpus you created - is it what you expected? How does the object appear in the Global Environment? - Call the object in the Console. What does your data look like? How does this structure compare to the pdf object?
- Run
of the corpus in the Console. What insights can you glean?
<- quanteda::corpus(dp_ch8) dp_ch8_corpus
- Using
, make the corpus a tidy object.
Notes for quick exploration of data:
- Check the
of the corpus you created - is it what you expected? How does the object appear in the Global Environment? - Call the object in the Console or use
. What does your data look like? Is it what you expected?
# ch 8 is used for demonstration and testing
<- tidy(dp_ch8_corpus) dp_ch8_tidy
13.5.1 Questions
Work independently or in groups for Question 1-5. The code solutions are based on the text data from Chapter 8 of the Delta Plan.
Tokenize the tidy text data using unnest_tokens()
<- dp_ch8_tidy %>%
dp_ch8_unnest unnest_tokens(output = word,
input = text)
Remove stop words using anti_join()
and the stop_words
data frame from tidytext
<- dp_ch8_unnest %>%
dp_ch8_words ::anti_join(stop_words) dplyr
Calculate the top 10 most frequently occurring words. Consider using count()
and slice_max()
<- dp_ch8_words %>%
dp_ch8_count count(word) %>%
slice_max(n = 10, order_by = n)
Visualize the results using a plot of your choice (e.g. bar plot, lollipop plot, or wordcloud).
Bar Plot Code
# bar plot
ggplot(dp_ch8_count, aes(x = reorder(word, n), y = n)) +
geom_col() +
coord_flip() +
labs(title = "Top 10 Most Frequently Occurring Words in Chapter 8 of the Delta Plan",
x = NULL,
y = "count") +
Lollipop Plot Code
# lollipop plot
ggplot(data = dp_ch8_count, aes(x=reorder(word, n), y=n)) +
geom_point() +
geom_segment(aes(x=word, xend=word, y=0, yend=n)) +
coord_flip() +
labs(title = "Top 10 Most Frequently Occurring Words in Chapter 8 of the Delta Plan",
x = NULL,
y = "Count") +
Wordcloud Plot Code
# wordcloud
wordcloud(words = dp_ch8_count$word,
freq = dp_ch8_count$n)
13.5.2 Bonus Question
What do you think of your plots? Are they helpful? Consider other techniques like adding custom stop words or stemming to improve your results.
13.6 Common Text Analysis and Text Mining Methods
The text analysis tools, methods, and packages depend greatly on your specific text analysis goals and the nature of your text data. You may end up only using one method or one package, or many in combination.
Text Analysis Method | R Package | When to Use |
Document-Term Matrix (DTM) | tm , quanteda , tm.plugin.webmining |
Represent text data as a matrix of word frequencies. |
Named Entity Recognition (NER) | openNLP , spacyr , udpipe |
Identify entities like names, locations, etc. in text. |
Sentiment Analysis | tidytext , sentimentr , syuzhet |
Determine sentiment (positive/negative) in text. |
Stopword Removal | tm , quanteda , tidytext |
Remove common and irrelevant words. |
Text Classification | caret , tm , quanteda |
Categorize text into predefined classes/categories. |
Text Clustering | tm , text2vec , tm.plugin.clustering |
Group similar documents together. |
Text Summarization | tm , textclean , textrank |
Condense the main points of a text into a summary. |
TF-IDF | tm , tm.plugin.webmining , tidytext |
Measure word importance in a document corpus. |
Tokenization | tm , quanteda , text2vec |
Split text into individual words/tokens. |
Topic Modeling | tm , topicmodels , lda2vec |
Discover hidden topics in a collection of documents. |
Word Embeddings | word2vec , text2vec , fastText |
Represent words as dense vectors for semantic analysis. |
Dependency Parsing | udpipe , spaCy , openNLP |
Analyze grammatical structure and word dependencies. |