library(lubridate) # for bonus question
# Quick question: Do you get a message after loading the libraries? What is it telling you? Talk to your neighbor about it or write a note in your qmd.
Learning Objectives
- Practice joining tables together
- Practice identifying primary and foreign keys
- Practice using common cleaning and wrangling functions
These exercises are adapted from Allison Horst’s EDS 221: Scientific Programming Essentials Course for the Bren School’s Master of Environmental Data Science program.
About the data
These exercises will be using bird survey data collected from the central Arizona-Phoenix metropolitan area by Arizona State University researchers (Warren et al. 2021).
Exercise 1: Practice Joins
Make sure you’re in the right project (
) and use the Git workflow byPull
ing to check for any changes in the remote repository (aka repository on GitHub).Create a new Quarto Document.
- Title it “R Practice: Tidy Data and Joins”.
- Save the file and name it “r-practice-tidy-data-joins” in your
Note: Double check that you’re in the right project. Where in RStudio can you check where you are?
- Load the following libraries at the top of your Quarto Document.
- Obtain data from the EDI Data Portal Ecological and social interactions in urban parks: bird surveys in local parks in the central Arizona-Phoenix metropolitan area. Download the following files:
Note: It’s up to you on how you want to download and load the data! You can either use the download links (obtain by right-clicking the “Download” button and select “Copy Link Address” for each data entity) or manually download the data and then upload the files to RStudio server.
Organize your Quarto Document in a meaningful way. Organization is personal - so this is up to you! Consider the different ways we’ve organized previous files using: headers, bold text, naming code chunks, comments in code chunks. What is most important is organizing and documenting the file so that your future self (or if you share this file with others!) understands it as well as your current self does right now.
Use the Git workflow. After you’ve set up your project and uploaded your data go through the workflow:
Stage (add) -> Commit -> Pull -> Push
- Note: You also want to
when you first open a project.
- Note: You also want to
10.1 Read in the data
Read in the data and store the data frames as bird_observations
, sites
, surveys
, and taxalist
(it should be clear from the raw file names which is which).
# read in data using download links
<- read_csv("")
bird_observations <- read_csv("")
surveys <- read_csv("")
sites <- read_csv("")
# read in data from the data directory after manually downloading data
<- read_csv(here::here("data/52_pp52_birds_1.csv"))
bird_observations <- read_csv(here::here("data/52_pp52_surveys_1.csv"))
surveys <- read_csv(here::here("data/52_pp52_sites_1.csv"))
sites <- read_csv(here::here("data/52_pp52_taxalist_1.csv")) taxalist
10.2 Get familiar with the data
What functions can you use to explore the data you just read in? Think about which functions we’ve been using to explore the structure of the data frame, information about columns, unique observations, etc. Tip: run View(name_of_your_data_frame)
in the console to see data in a spreadsheet-style viewer.
# returns dimensions of the dataframe by number of rows and number of cols
# returns the top six rows of the dataframe
# returns all the columns and some info about the cols
# similar to glimpse but returns some summary statistics about the cols
# returns column names
# returns unique values in a column. In this case we can see all the different bird species IDs
What are the primary and foreign keys for the tables bird_observations
and taxalist
? Recall that a primary key is a unique identifier for each observed entity, one per row. And a foreign key references to a primary key in another table (linkage).
Hint: First identify the primary keys for all the tables, then identify the foreign keys.
: Primary key is a compound key made up ofsurvey_id
, andspecies_id
. The foreign key isspecies_id
: Primary key isspecies_id
and does not have a foreign key that match the primary key inbird_observations
However, we could join bird_observations
and taxalist
by species_id
, but depending on the type of join some values would be droped or NAs
would be introduce in the resulting data frame.
10.3 Create a subset of bird_observations
Write code to create a subset of bird_observations
called birds_subset
that only contains observations for birds with species id BHCO
and RWBL
, and from sites with site ID LI-W
and NU-C
Hint: What function do you use to subset data by rows?
<- bird_observations %>%
birds_subset filter(species_id %in% c("BHCO", "RWBL")) %>%
filter(site_id %in% c("LI-W", "NU-C"))
10.4 Use left_join()
to merge birds_subset
with the tables sites
First, answer: what do you expect the outcome data frame when doing left_join()
between birds_subset
and sites
to look like? What observations do you expect in the outcome data frame.
You can use paper to draw if that helps you or talk to your neighbor. Write down the steps and expected outcome in your Quarto Document.
I expect to see all columns and all observations from birds_subset
and from sites
, I expect to see the columns park_code
, park_district
, park-name
, point_code
, point_location
and park_acreage
and only observations for NU-C
and LI-W
because those are the only site_id
values in birds_subset
and in a left join only the observations matching the left table (in this case, birds_subset
is the left table) will be kept.
Use a left join to update birds_subset
so that it also includes sites
information. For each join, include an explicit argument saying which key you are joining by (even if it will just assume the correct one for you). Store the updated data frame as birds_left
. Make sure to look at the output - is what it contains consistent with what you expected it to contain?
# syntax using pipe
<- birds_subset %>%
birds_left left_join(y = sites, by = "site_id")
# don't see x = birds_subset here because piping in birds_subset means it automatically assumes birds_subset as x.
# syntax without pipe
<- left_join(x = birds_subset, y = sites, by = "site_id") birds_left
10.5 Use full_join()
to merge birds_subset
and sites
First, answer: what do you expect a full_join()
between birds_subset
and sites
to contain? Write this in your Quarto Document or tell a neighbor.
I expect to see all columns and all observations from birds_subset
and all columns and all observations from sites
to be merged into one data frame because in a full join everything is kept. NA
values could be introduced.
Write code to full_join()
the birds_subset
and sites
data into a new object called birds_full
. Explicitly include the variable you’re joining by. Look at the output. Is it what you expected?
# syntax using pipe
<- birds_subset %>%
birds_full full_join(y = sites, by = "site_id")
# syntax without pipe
<- full_join(x = birds_subset, y = sites, by = "site_id") birds_full
10.6 Use inner_join()
to merge birds_subset
and taxalist
First, answer: what do you expect an inner_join()
between birds_subset
and taxalist
to contain? Write this in your Quarto Document or tell a neighbor.
I expect to only have data merge together based on species_id
and since there is only BHCO
and RWBL
in birds_subset
then I will only retain data related to those two species. I will also expect to see the columns from taxalist
: common_name
and asu_itis
to be merged into the joined table.
Write code to inner_join()
the birds_subset
and taxalist
, called birds_inner.
Include an argument for what variable you’ll be joining by. Make sure you check the output.
# syntax using pipe
<- birds_subset %>%
birds_inner inner_join(y = taxalist, by = "species_id")
# syntax without pipe
<- inner_join(x = birds_subset, y = taxalist, by = "species_id" ) birds_inner
What would you get if instead of inner_join()
you’d used left_join()
for this example? Write code for the left join and check.
# syntax using pipe
<- birds_subset %>%
birds_inner_left left_join(y = taxalist, by = "species_id")
# syntax without pipe
<- left_join(x = birds_subset, y = taxalist, by = "species_id") birds_inner_left
Why does that make sense for this scenario? In what case would you expect the outcome to differ from an inner_join()
? Write this in your Quarto Document or tell a neighbor.
You have the same resulting data set regardless of using inner_join()
or left_join()
to merge bird_subset
and taxalist
. The reasons for this are:
keeps only the rows (observations) that have a matching key across both data sets - here,species_id
is our key, and the only rows that match across both data sets are those wherespecies_id
keeps all rows from the left table (in our case, the left table isbirds_subset
) and merges on data with matching keys (species_id
) on the right (here, the right table istaxalist
). Because our left data set (birds_subset
) only containsspecies_id
s equal toBHCO
, only rows with those species will be kept from the right data set (taxalist
You’d expect the outcome to differ from an inner_join()
if birds_subset
contained an observation with a species_id
that was not found in taxalist
. If there was an observation of a species_id
in birds_subset
that was not in taxalist
, then that observation would be kept, and NA
s would be assigned to the common_name
and asu_itis
columns for that observations
Exercise 2: Practice Wrangling & Joining Data
10.7 Wrangle bird_observations
data and merge the data with all the other tables (sites
, surveys
, and taxalist
Starting with your object bird_observations
, rename the notes
column to bird_obs_notes
(so this doesn’t conflict with notes
in the surveys
<- bird_observations %>%
bird_observations rename(bird_obs_notes = notes)
- Create a subset that contains all observations in the
data frame, - then join the
tables to it, - and finally limit to only columns
, andobserver
Hint: What function do you use to subset data by columns?
<- bird_observations %>%
bird_obs_subset full_join(y = taxalist, by = "species_id") %>%
full_join(y = sites, by = "site_id") %>%
full_join(y = surveys, by = c("site_id", "survey_id")) %>%
select(survey_date, common_name, park_name, bird_count, observer)
10.8 Explore observer
data and fix the values within this column so that all values are in the same format
Continuing with bird_obs_subset
, first use unique()
to see the different unique values in the column observer
. How many observers are there? Which value is unlike the others?
Replace “Josh Burns” with a format that matches the other observer names. Then use unique()
again to check your work.
Hint: What function do you use when you are making a change to an entire column?
<- bird_obs_subset %>%
bird_obs_subset mutate(observer = if_else(condition = observer == "Josh Burns",
true = "J. Burns",
false = observer))
After you’ve completed the exercises or reached a significant stopping point, use the workflow: Stage (add) -> Commit -> Pull -> Push
10.9 Bonus: Use a new package lubridate
to wrangle the date data and find the total number of birds by park and month
Hint: How do you learn about a new function or package?
to add a new column tobird_obs_subset
, containing only the month number. Then, convert the month number to a factor (again withinmutate()
to move the newsurvey_month
column to immediately after thesurvey_date
column. You can do this in a separate code chunk, or pipe straight into it from your existing code.Filter to only include parks
, andSonrisa
.Find the total number of birds observed by park and month (Hint: You can use
<- bird_obs_subset %>%
bird_obs_subset mutate(survey_month = lubridate::month(survey_date)) %>%
mutate(survey_month = as.factor(survey_month)) %>%
::relocate(survey_month, .after = survey_date) %>%
dplyrfilter(park_name %in% c("Lindo", "Orme", "Palomino", "Sonrisa")) %>%
group_by(park_name, survey_month) %>%
summarize(tot_bird_count_month = n())
Take a look at your final data frame. Does it give you the outcome you expected? Is it informative? How would you improve this wrangling process?