9 R Practice II

9.1 R Practice II

9.1.1 Learning Objectives

  • practice tidyverse R skills

9.1.2 Introduction

In this session of R practice, we will continue working with the dataset: Tobias Schwoerer, Kevin Berry, and Jorene Joe. 2022. A household survey documenting experiences with coastal hazards in a western Alaska community (2021-2022). Arctic Data Center. doi:10.18739/A29Z90D3V.

In this practice session, we will build upon the previous session by using dplyr, tidyr, and other packages form the tidyverse to create more summarizations of the survey answers.

9.1.3 High level steps

  • work in the same Rmd you did during R practice I
  • add necessary headers and text to describe what you are doing during this practice
  • using group_by and summarize, calculate how many responses there were to each unique answer for question 3
  • create a data.frame containing the definitions to the answer codes in question 3
    • use the metadata to get code-definition pairs
    • create your data.frame either by writing a new file and reading it in, or by exploring the function tribble (see the examples)
  • use a left_join to join your definitions table to the summarized answers


Explore how you might summarize other questions in these survey results.